What would Jesus say to you in 2020?

A global pandemic, political discord, natural disasters and what seem to be apocalyptic events have made 2020 a difficult year to say the least. You may be experiencing anxiety, depression, anger and disappointment. Take heart. You have a savior who moved Heaven and Earth for you. Here is what he might have to say to you this year.

I’m afraid.
If I am with you, you can put your turst in me. You don’t need to fear man, because you have God on your side. You don’t need to fear evil, for I have conquered evil. I am so much more powerful than anything the world has ever known and I am living inside you. When you’re afraid, know that I’m here for you all the time.

I’m worried.
Don’t be. I take care of birds and flowers and they can’t even compare to you in worth. Think of how much more I will take care of you. Don’t let anything bother you because in the end, it will work toward my ultimate plan for your life.

Why Me?
Because I chose you. That unsettling feeling you have is me crafting God’s story through your life. Sometimes the road may seem rough, but be assured that I am with you.

I don’t know what your will is for me, I don’t know what you want.
That’s okay, I do. Stick with me and in time all will be made clear. Trust me, I have great plans for you even if you do not know them yet.

I am running out of time.
I am the Father of time. Every hour of every day is set and given by me. Don’t worry about how much time you have, for I am in control of time.

I feel so alone.
I’ll keep you company, I’ll even introduce you to new friends, I’ll set you free. 

I can’t handle this anymore.
I can handle all things. Turn it over to me.

Nothing I’ve done is working, I’m so frustrated.
I have never let you down before, this is no different. Let me handle it in my own way, on my own time. It will all work out and everything will fall into place better than you can imagine. Don’t worry, I’m in control.

I need a friend.
Not only am I your savior, I’m also your friend. Stick with me and I’ll take you on the ride of your life. You’ve never had a friend who cares more about you than I do. My compassion for you was signed in blood 2,000 years ago when I died on a cross so that you could have eternal life.

I feel like I am getting farther away from you each day.
That’s only natural. You will find your way back and I will help you. Just remember that while you may feel far from me, I am never far from you.

I don’t know who to trust.
First, trust in me, totally and completely. Once you have done that I will lead you to someone you can trust.

All I need is some peace and quiet!
I am the peace you seek. Come to me and I will forever comfort you. I can give you shelter for the storms of your life.

I’m being tempted.
No temptation has seized you except that which is common to man. You can stand up to it, I was tempted and I know how you feel. Because of that I can lead you out of temptation as long as you call on my name.

I feel worthless.
You are worth more than anything to me. You are my most precious creation. You are worth so much that I went through a life of pain and suffering, and was killed for you. You will always be special to me, even if the world hates you.

No one understands me.
I do. I understand you better than you do. I know what you need better than anybody else including you.

I don’t know enough about you.
Trust me and all will be revealed to you.

It’s Hopeless
I am hope for the hopeless. Where your abilities end mine begin, have faith and together we can accomplish anything. 

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