The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone.

-Isaiah 9:2

Our Name: OWL is shorthand for Overwhelming Light.


Jesus is called “The Light” in several parts of scripture. In fact, he refers to himself as light and his followers as light. Perhaps the reason is that light is so familiar and significant in our lives that we can’t miss the significance of the metaphor.

Without light there is only darkness. But if even a small light — just a glimmer — appears, the darkness fades and cannot overcome the light. Light pierces darkness. Light spreads. Light illuminates and clarifies. Light brings life.

Light in the darkness is overwhelming. It doesn’t matter if the light is as bright as the sun or as small as a single flame, light showing up unexpectedly in darkness overwhelms the darkness and those who are in darkness.

Jesus tells us light has come into the world but people loved darkness.

The purpose of this website is to point to and reflect the overwhelming light that is Jesus. To remind a world that loves darkness who the light is, what the light did, and what the light stands for.

What is OWL News?: In 2024 Overwhelming Light rebranded as OWL, a news-driven website. Why news? In response to misinformation both within the Christian community and about followers of Christ. We break down what is and isn’t true within the body of Christ and shine a light on the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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